Where I'm at: Millington is doing splendidly and we are
swimming in the heat. We are so grateful for an apartment and a car and the
beautiful substance called ice :) We had a few cool service things that put us
in high heat this week. We helped at a Baseball Tournament with the main booth
and although we had a canopy overhead, the sun kept moving. So, Sister Woolley
and I are sporting really good Farmer's tans. It was actually super fun to help
at so the sunburn was worth it!
Funny: We tried fried chicken livers this week. I don't
particularly plan on trying them again any time in the near future. They had a
really weird taste and the first one tasted fine, but after a few, it wasn't
yummy. So we ate all we felt like we wanted to and took the rest home to
experiment with sauces with. I did like the fried corn on the cob and the fried
pie though!
Spiritual: We went into our lesson with Faith and Grace
(also both under 12) (#weonlyteachkids) and we felt really good about our
lesson plan. Midway through our lesson we realized that what we had planned to
share wasn't what they needed to hear and so we saw what they needed and taught
them that. It got silent and spiritual. It was a family discussion that really
was full of testifying of God's love for everybody!
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