Monday, October 22, 2018

Suspicious behavior...

Funny: We wanted to show one of the families we are ministering to that we love them so we made hearts for a heart attack, but we knew we had to be sneaky about it because every other time we had gone to their house, at least one of their kids was outside and alerted everyone there to our presence. So, we plan this out. We parked where they couldn't really see us, sneak up to the house, put the hearts on their door quietly and carefully, and then run back to the car as soon as we her a suspicious noise. All while we had been doing this, there were two bright pairs of headlights in front of us and I just thought that maybe there were some people in their cars talking to each other. We start to drive out of the loop, towards the lights, and we realize that those lights belong to police cars, who were responding to an emergency at a house by a hill. Yikes! So, I have to get out of the car to back Sister Taylor so she can turn around so we can get out of there. We don't think anyone saw our super suspicious and very well-intentioned adventure of sneaking up, and running away, but that would have been a very awkward conversation. It was so crazy!

Spiritual: Every week the auxiliaries take turns cleaning the church and this week it was the Relief Society's turn. Only one Sister showed up though and I was so impressed by her. Her job keeps her from coming on Sunday and she takes care of all her family and has to work two jobs and has only one day off. Her faith is so strong that on her one day off, she came to give what she could back to the Lord by helping clean the church. We were honored to help clean with her.  

Where I'm at: We had a bit of a slower week this week with a lot of people not being able to meet with us and some miscommunication with others. Through it all though, I learned a lot about being motivated by love and changing our hearts through our missionary service because of that love. My favorite conference talk that I studied this week was the one by President Nelson at the Women's Session. He promised a lot of amazing blessings for following his council and being obedient. The mornings are getting colder here, but we've got a good supply of Hot Chocolate so we should be okay. 

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