Monday, September 10, 2018

Three cheers for fried food!

Funny: This week we ate dinner with some members who had just joined the church a couple of years ago. They fed us delicious fried food (fried eggplant is really good) and told us some awesome stories! Once, while she was at the store she left her kids with another relative and he dared them to run to a specific tree. The kids said they weren't allowed to go near that tree because there was poison ivy there and the relative (who was in a lot of trouble once the mom got home) told the kids that if they ate some poison ivy, they would be immune to it ðŸ˜®ðŸ˜± Her kids were sick for a long while after that! Anyway, don't eat poison ivy!!! 

Spiritual: Sister Jesperson and Sister Spiro came to Blitz our area with us and we had some cool times! Sister Jesperson talked to this guy named Phil for about an hour and a half who was outside in this neighborhood. The most astonishing thing is that he's actually currently living in Millington, where I was just serving, and so I was able to give him really clear details about the ward there and the awesome missionaries who just want to help him get closer to Christ :) He had previously read about half of the Book of Mormon while he used to have a roommate who was a member of the Church. Coincidence? I think not! 

Where I'm at: We are so excited for next week because on the 22nd, Tad R. Callister is coming to North Little Rock so that he can teach us about the Book of Mormon. The reason he is coming is because the Off-Broadway production of the Book of Mormon: The Musical is going to be in town that weekend so you can learn about the Book rather than the play! Yay! This month is zooming along and it's been a good week! 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful spiritual experience meeting someone from our Millington area there in Ark! The sisters mentioned it to me too, so hopefully some fruit comes from this blessing! Love & Miss you Sister Emma Black!!
