Monday, July 23, 2018

The Purpose of a Strong Companion

Funny: I don't know how this happens, but every time that we plan on biking, something has to happen with the bikes to slow us down. This time, my back tire was flat, the patch didn't fix it, and the spare i had was too big for it. I am seriously so grateful for cars, but still 100% willing to work hard and bike when we do need to conserve miles. Also, everybody talked about how there were no mountains in Arkansas and how flat it is, but when you ride on your bike you realize that it just hilly enough to be hard to bike. 

Spiritual: Since Sister Taylor has been out on her mission for less than 12 weeks, we get an additional hour to study every day. My favorite experience with her this week was when we read a story that was in her binder called "The Purpose of a Strong Companion". It tells of two individuals who were on a multi-engine plane that crashed in the middle of a flight between Hawaiian Islands. They had to endure anxiety attacks, jellyfish venom, and the appearance of a shark together. It was really neat! When one person was weak, the other supported them and vice versa. It taught us that we need to have that goal as companions too because we are inevitably going to have times when we are weak so we need to be able to see when we need to be the strong one and also be willing to accept help when we are weak. 

Where I’m at: This week was full of busy days and we were on time to most of our things! Which doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment, but it really was for us. Sister Taylor got to eat her first meal of "Southern Fried Chicken" complete with the mashed potatoes and green beans. 

 Study Time

 After a full day of biking (their heat index has been over 100 for weeks.)
Dairy Queen!

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