Monday, August 6, 2018

Saturday Night Conference Nerves

Spiritual: One of the biggest things I've seen connect to sacrifice is fast offerings. In all the places I've served, the need has greatly overshadowed the contribution given by the congregation. The sacrifices that are made when people give up their finances is that they feel more connected to the members close to them and they are also able to still have all their needs met. We aren't supposed to pay tithing as missionaries, but we do pay fast offerings. When we sacrifice a portion of our food budget to pay a generous fast, we are always fed more or we just are able to have everything we need. Even on slim finances. 

I think that we also sometimes have to sacrifice what we want to do, our original plans, in order to fear no man or to follow the spirit. It would be way easier to just go straight somewhere else and not knock on the doors near the person who wasn't home, but that's not really what makes missionary work, work.

Funny: This was a good and fun week. I feel like it went by super-fast and I can't believe the transfer is almost at an end. One funny thing i am looking forward to is that this Saturday we will be going to the Saturday Night Session of Stake Conference and it happens to coincide with the night we get emails about transfers. So, the Stake Conference goes from 7-9 and we get the very important, life impacting, transfer email at 8:30. So I can imagine that the last half hour of Stake Conference the Missionaries there (probably about 18 companionships or so?) will be frantically refreshing our inboxes and seeing if we can get our news. Bahahaha. Our Mission President will be there too with ice cream for afterwards so that should be a good place for discussions. 

Where I’m at: Even though it is still hot, the weather is not a huge problem. We have already done one walk day and will be done with four by next Monday (hopefully) so we really get to rely on our car a lot. So I’m doing good, we are figuring this out and actually have seen a whole bunch of miracles. SO many. This is why I have to keep a journal. I'm the happiest I’ve been in months and I feel like Sister Taylor and I are really unified.

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